The film portrays North Korea as a kind of futuristic society, a decision which Baldi later explained as "a conscious avoidance of reality".
And yet, it is in Sabella's conscious avoidance of photographing Jerusalem that the visual artist has managed to recreate the universality of a place with which he identifies.
What Mr. Abrams didn't know about the aid was the result of studied ignorance, what prosecutors call "conscious avoidance."
They did not talk about the trial, but there was no strain and no conscious avoidance of the subject.
The amended complaint contends that the auditing firm concealed the fraud "first by negligence, then by conscious avoidance and eventually by active facilitation."
Still, some attendees found the relentless cheerleading of the public sessions a little eerie in its conscious avoidance if not denial of fundamental problems.
I regard that as a shameful act in conscious avoidance of the search for truth.
Sigmund Freud's definition of repressed memory is "the mind's conscious and unconscious avoidance of unpleasant wishes, thoughts, and memories."
There is a conscious avoidance of excess.
Bose's work was marked by a conscious avoidance of a single recognizable style, by varied foreign and local influences, and by an experimental bent.