Of the rest of Guiraut's corpus at least two works are conscious imitations.
Of course, this was not a matter of conscious imitation.
There is a lot of conscious imitation of the past, so archaic costumes are not unusual.
I realized it was a conscious imitation of the thing I had done with the heavy bag down in the gym on our first morning together.
The Brethren love feast is a conscious imitation of Jesus' last supper with his disciples.
It was separate from, although a conscious imitation of, the late nineteeenth century Highland Land League.
The third committee (perhaps in conscious imitation of the flag) prescribed horizontal strips.
Then he rose up again, and turned to the main body of the hall, and spread his arms wide in conscious imitation of the crucifixion.
Overholser was watching him with interest, arms crossed in conscious or unconscious imitation of Roland.
In conscious imitation of his ancestor, he raised his chin and jutted it forward slightly.