These are the basic considerations for getting ideas accepted and one should consciously work towards improving skill in this direction.
I work consciously to find ways to close the gap between me and the person in the photograph".
So I've been consciously working on a new (for me) approach, with at least a smidgeon of success.
You consciously work with children, pretending you are taking care of them.
Truth is, Carroll seems to have been consciously working on a kinder, gentler mood.
Some may have to consciously work at sitting upright - something that other children do automatically by the time they're toddlers.
Today a vast and growing research and development industry is consciously working to reduce the lag still further.
For most runners, some improvement can be achieved in a period of weeks, but you have to consciously work at it.
Beginning at the beginning, he consciously worked the cipher in his mind.
It is possible that working consciously for a balance will always shift the weight to the conceptual side.