The black consciousness movement was taking hold now in football and Butler became its spokesman.
However, it was in poetry that the Black Consciousness Movement first found its voice.
It helped to give rise to, and developed in parallel with, the Black Consciousness Movement.
She was attacked again and blamed the second attack on the Black Consciousness Movement.
In the late 1960's, the "black consciousness" movement identified with Steve Biko emerges.
They argue that over the course of the 1990s "a new white pride, white protest, and white consciousness movement has developed in America".
His political roots are in the black consciousness movement and he is strongly critical of the ruling African National Congress.
The black consciousness movement and the women's movement of the late 1970s created the perfect environment for the emergence of Quimbanda.
The Black Consciousness Movement's most-lasting legacy is as an intellectual movement.
Small was dismissed in 1973 as a consequence of his involvement in the Black Consciousness Movement.