The consensual approach may have been by design on Governor Whitman's part.
Breaking the Impasse: consensual approaches to resolve public disputes.
Bannon's consensual approach to government differed markedly from the Dunstan era.
Public policy over the three decades separating 1947 and 1979, represented, on the whole, the upholding of a consensual approach towards criminal justice.
A consensual approach can yield excellent results, so consult with staff and involve people in decisions.
The result of their consensual approach has been to strengthen and unify the voice of the European Parliament on the key issue at stake.
It means developing a consensual approach and being prepared to make far-reaching changes.
The benefits of the change from an adversarial to a consensual approach are very clear to everybody.
The Union is built on a consensual approach.
We're taking a very cooperative, inclusive, consensual approach to solve the problem.