I know that wasn't the focus of the article, but it offends me that consensual if socially unacceptable behavior is considered worse than extortion and non-consensual picture and video distributions.
Even among evangelical and social conservatives, there is a general sense that the effort to stigmatize consensual sexual behavior as immoral has been lost among the younger generation.
In 1961, the American Law Institute's Model Penal Code advocated repealing sodomy laws as they applied to private, adult, consensual behavior.
A defendant could also argue that he was engaged in mutually consensual behavior.
"We just don't think that it is appropriate for the heavy hand of government to get involved in consensual behavior."
He argued that moral relativism involves accepting any adult consensual behavior in the privacy of people's homes, even if the behavior might otherwise be considered deviant.
"They've entered into the arena on the side of evil," Mr. Robertson told his flock after the court voted to strike down Texas's criminalization of consensual homosexual behavior.