Operational features for hospital palliative care programs: consensus recommendations.
The professors constructed a consensus recommendation for each stock based on the average advice of all analysts who followed it.
They then constructed several portfolios from these consensus recommendations.
For example, the professors found that, without exception, the most favorable consensus recommendations outperformed the least in each of the 11 years.
Before you rush out to buy the consensus recommendations, however, you need to be aware of two things.
Such costs can easily defeat the strategy, because the turnover rate for following the highest consensus recommendations can be more than 300 percent a year.
Where can you find the consensus recommendations on particular stocks?
They constructed a consensus recommendation for each stock, then used the consensus recommendations to create five portfolios.
Based on these studies, the Workshop reached the following consensus recommendations.
On April 13, the average consensus recommendation on the 10 Internet stocks was 1.7.