Beginning in 1952, the school district underwent an expensive, rapid period of development to accommodate for the suburbanization and consequent growth in population of the area.
The consequent growth in population increased the demand for clergymen.
However, the review period saw 'significant increases, with consequent growth in pressures on the environment'
With the sugar industry, the major pillar of the province's economy, as well as other areas being revived, consequent socio-economic growth in the province followed.
The 1950s saw the continued development of amateur radio and consequent growth of the ARRL.
This year, even though the economy remains stalled, all three Presidential candidates are looking askance at fiscal stimulus, the use of deficit spending to create jobs and consequent growth.
The first of these was the growth of the economy and the consequent growth of government, both ecclesiastical and secular.
The recent rises in energy prices may lead to greater use of insulation-grade fiberglass, with consequent growth in the boron consumption.
Contemporary to the construction of the two blocks was the discovery of petroleum in the vicinity of Lima and the consequent rapid growth of the city.
These buildings reflected the emergence of the automobile and the consequent growth of the highway network.