We stand to lose the democracy if we continue in our willingness to be uninformed and our consequent inability to express our will to the government.
The wound, and consequent inability of Argyropylo, caused Raymond to be the first in command.
Underweighting can cause difficulty in neutralising and controlling buoyancy, and consequent inability to achieve neutral buoyancy, particularly at decompression stops.
Because of a consequent inability to plan resulting from the uncertainties of finances and merchandise supply, the Campeau stores would probably pursue a more cautious merchandising and promotion policy.
Due to the hypertrophy of the left ventricle in aortic stenosis, including the consequent inability of the coronary arteries to adequately supply blood to the myocardium (see "Angina" below), arrhythmias may develop.
The relatively weak economy, lack of suitable raw materials and consequent inability to produce suitable quantities of armaments and supplies were therefore the key material reasons for Italian military failure.
He felt terror, and relief, and perplexity, and a consequent inability to plan anything.
Do they really cancel, or is it not possible that they are led by it to too free a use of their signatures and a consequent inability to extricate themselves?
For example, their insufficient democratic and institutional development and low economic growth, and their consequent inability to provide a growing younger population with work.
This reflects the specificity of musical language and terminology, and its consequent inability to adequately represent the language structures found within other domains.