It will tend to depress people's spirits and thus lengthen their recovery times, with consequent further pressure on the NHS.
Since winning the election on Sept. 27, Mr. Schroder has been grappling with this central problem, one made more acute by Germany's rapidly aging population and the consequent pressure on pensions.
The advent of a new Government, I am afraid, always results in a rash of new advisory bodies and a consequent pressure upon accommodation.
But he said that the general hostility to abortion, the scarcity of doctors who would perform the procedure, and the consequent pressure on him were in large part responsible.
With rapid urbanization and the consequent pressure on land the reliance on agriculture has dwindled.
Sadly, McMaster failed to reckon with the recession, the deficit and a consequent pressure to justify arts spending in terms comparable to those used to defend threatened social and educational services.
The main reason for this change is money, and the consequent pressure on hospital beds.
The consequent pressure on existing settlements resulted in land invasions by those in desperate need, thereby frustrating the attainment of the medium- and long-term objectives of the nationwide housing program.
However, he then backtracked, denouncing consequent pressure on the members of his list.
The consequent pressure on auditors and accountants - the guardians of a company's numbers - is intense.