This cycad, due to its demand for medicinal purposes, and consequent reduction in living populations, is now an endangered species.
It maybe be that the economic crisis makes banking reform inevitable, with a consequent reduction in private debt.
The consequent reductions, though gradual, will lead to inferior and (even more) muddled provision in 5 years?
As compared to gas central heating systems, night storage heaters require next to no maintenance, with a consequent reduction in running costs.
Recent decades have seen increasing development in the Houserville vicinity and a consequent reduction in agriculture.
This, coupled with the travel factor, could lead to considerable fatigue and consequent reduction in effectiveness on the farm.
However, the global oil crisis of 1973 with its consequent reduction in ship demand resulted in financial difficulties for the company.
Retrieval fines were prohibitive and there was a consequent reduction in the number of cattle kept.
This structure permits the buying-in of services as needed, with consequent reductions in overhead costs.
Demographic changes over the years have reduced the population with a consequent reduction in the number of school age children in the district.