How do you propose to handle the consequent rise in interest payments it will have to meet tomorrow and for the next fifty years?
The greatest of these is global warming and the consequent rise in sea temperatures.
Widespread terror and a consequent rise in executions came after external and internal threats were vastly reduced.
Heavier cores continue to collapse with consequent rises in pressure and temperature.
From 1987 to 1990, the plan of action was amended several times, with a consequent rise in costs.
With the construction of some dams up stream, and the consequent rise of the river level, the port was tacitly believed as submerged.
A consequent rise in inflation and unemployment would push the country's trade balance further into the red.
Much of the UK's inflation over the last two years follows a 25% drop in sterling's value and the consequent rise in import prices.
Above 150 C, it decomposes, producing hydrogen; when it occurs in a closed container, the consequent rise of pressure can be dangerous.
Many believe that the economic stringency of recent years and the consequent rise in unemployment are only as a result of the drive for the euro.