In March 1980, when conservative Republicanism was on the rise, the voters chose smaller government over bigger government by a margin of 54 percent to 32 percent.
It is another matter to propose that the role of the U.S. military - especially an all-volunteer professional military oriented toward conservative Republicanism - is to fix those problems.
In moving south and west, a once conservative Republicanism has acquired some new-fangled, unconservative characteristics.
Both are Democrats who converted to conservative Republicanism.
On his tour Mr. Laxalt persuaded former Gov. Meldrim Thomson Jr., a pillar of conservative Republicanism in the state, to accept the chairmanship of his New Hampshire campaign.
Mr. London said in a statement that he would support Mr. Lauder as "the one person in the race who carries the banner of conservative Republicanism."
And if it excited some of his supporters, it is still being dissected by other nervous Republicans who see Mr. Schundler's brand of conservative Republicanism as a recipe for permanent disaster for the party.
Moreover, those encouraged by Mr. Bush to expect a moderately conservative cabinet are now confronted with a team that features several key players chosen to reassure the ideological and corporate wings of conservative Republicanism.
It wasn't conservative Republicanism or plutocratic Republicanism or Rockefeller Republicanism; it was, if anything, small-town, Fourth of July Republicanism.
Historians say, though, that no single American politician has ever worked all the variations that he has on that theme - conservative Republicanism, protectionism and traditional Catholic stands like his denunciation of abortion.