Through the popularity of online video, Pat Robertson, the conservative religious broadcaster and former presidential candidate, now has another claim to fame: superhuman strength.
The Left had never seen a conservative broadcaster so popular and so effective.
Bush mobilized the state's evangelical voters, and leading conservative broadcaster Rush Limbaugh entered the fray supporting Bush and going on at length about how McCain was a favorite of liberal Democrats.
"I don't see social conservatives making compromises to win in 2008," said the Rev. Donald Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association, a conservative Christian broadcaster and advocacy group.
Michael Harrison, editor of the trade magazine Talkers, said that, "For the most part, political talk radio is male," dominated by conservative broadcasters like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage.
Pat Robertson, the conservative Christian broadcaster, has attracted attention over the years for lambasting feminists, "activist" judges, the United Nations and Disneyland.
"It will be a great folly," said Arioste Denis, a conservative broadcaster whose anti-Aristide talks have irked many Haitians in New York.
He made the comments on a Web site forum of EWTN, a conservative Catholic broadcaster.
He has been quoted explaining the Kennedy administration's use of the Fairness Doctrine to limit conservative broadcasters, saying:
Two decades after evangelical Protestant voters emerged as a force in national politics, conservative Christian broadcasters are continuing to carve out a greater share of the radio market.