However, 75-79% of Oregonians identify themselves as being Christian and some hold deeply conservative convictions.
In February 2000, he began an untitled weekly column for The Daily News that reflected his increasingly conservative convictions and continued until 2004.
"It is precisely because we unite Christian-Social, conservative and liberal convictions that we are the broad people's party of the center," she said.
Walter was a Baptist minister who combined conservative evangelical theological convictions with social radicalism.
They also expressed clearly the conservative conviction that mythology and reason were both essential for a full human life: each was diminished unless complemented by the other.
Although Mr. Reagan's strong conservative convictions were his lodestone and compass, the President proved adept at compromise, willing to change on momentous matters like arms control.
Accepting the conservative conviction that recessions are soon over, let us have short-run borrowing to sustain services and thus to cover the recession-induced shortfall in revenues.
And none other than Rupert Murdoch, a man of deeply conservative convictions, controls 20th Century Fox.
Indicate your respect for conservative convictions and try to "refine" your own.
At first, though, two things kept her away from parties: her conservative religious convictions and her difficulty in maintaining her balance.