He was able to arrange seven of them from left to right: communist, socialist, green, liberal, Christian democratic, conservative and right-wing extremist.
As majority leader, O'Connor viewed it as her mandate to rein in the conservative extremists.
Despite that toughness, Mrs. Schundler said she still finds it hard to read about her husband, who has been portrayed as a conservative extremist.
Critics cited this as hypocritical given his many aggressive and controversial political statements and described him as a conservative extremist.
When it was completed, it was a compromise satisfactory to all but the conservative extremists.
His party lost seats in the next two elections, in part because Democrats were able to campaign against him as a conservative extremist.
It was made by conservative extremists who told us that if we just eliminated regulations and rewarded greed and recklessness, it would all work out.
And in many states, Republican parties are in turmoil over conservative extremists' attempts to gain control.
To a considerable degree they were orchestrated by the religious right and conservative extremists.