In particular, it was thought he could shore up the National Party's vote in its conservative rural heartland.
The Bavarian countryside is Germany's Catholic and conservative heartland.
But the district is part of Ohio's conservative heartland, where Mr. Chabot is likely to hold more sway.
Zulfi is part of the Nejd, the conservative central Arabian heartland, in which almost everything is "haram" - forbidden.
In Ohio, in the conservative heartland, there was an even split, with 35 percent favoring abortion rights and 36 percent opposed.
By one estimate, 80% are from Al-Qassim province, the conservative religious heartland of Saudi Arabia in the center of the country.
But in the conservative heartland, a region wary of big business and newfangled technology, some aspects of industrialization have provoked conflict and anxiety.
Endorsed by the state party leadership, Mr. Casey is running strong in much of the socially conservative, rural and industrial heartland.
Their core constituency is in the conservative rural heartland.
ARE there really two Americas, the "red" conservative heartland and the "blue" liberal coasts?