The governor has become a conservative hero and put the Midwest state at the centre of the US labour rights debate.
Balthasar once said to me, 'There's no such thing as a conservative hero.'
That's what Ronald Reagan did in 1980, it's what Goldwater and all the conservative heroes have done.
But Judge Robert Bork, a conservative hero, says it "seems likely to be either ineffective or damaging, and perhaps both."
Republicans resurged, winning seven of the 10 presidential elections 1968 to 2004, with Ronald Reagan as the party's iconic conservative hero.
He said "conservative heroes such as the Chief Justice failed not only conservatives but all Americans" in upholding the special prosecutor law.
Instead, she compared herself to conservative heroes on either side of the Atlantic.
However in week-long dramatic testimony North emerges a conservative hero.
Mr. Long worships the former president as a conservative hero.
But Professor Strauss became a conservative hero, and a liberal villain, because his ideas did indicate a suspicion of progress, a distrust of change.