They say the money has not been spent because of a guerrilla war by conservative ideologues in the Federal bureaucracy.
In this tin pot war we see how far lawyers who are conservative ideologues carry their notion that the President must rule like a king.
But Team B, in the eyes of several intelligence veterans, was packed with conservative ideologues.
Which important conservative ideologue are we talking about here?
For some conservative ideologues, the deception in presenting the tax plan is unimportant.
In Britain, the conservative ideologues have found a tougher litmus test.
President Bush as the conservative ideologue had a pretty good week.
Luntz, after all, has never made for a terribly convincing conservative ideologue.
But that was not enough for the conservative ideologues being appointed to the board by President Reagan.
IT was a wish list for corporate lobbyists and conservative ideologues alike.