The paper's editorial staff traditionally has had a conservative slant.
In an interview on Thursday, Mr. Eberle, also known as Bobby, made no apologies for his efforts to build a news service with a conservative slant.
"I frankly can't think of docs with a conservative slant," Mr. Peña added.
Some of the newspaper's supporters say the national edition will perform a journalistic service by providing news with a conservative slant.
In 1861 he married Casta Esteban and worked as a columnist with a politically conservative slant.
Bell, troubled by what he perceived to be an excessively conservative slant, withdrew in 1973, and was replaced as co-editor by the sociologist Nathan Glazer.
Does that cause them to take the necessary corrective measures such as including an occasional conservative slant on the front page?
While his squibs are sometimes cast with a conservative slant, his "developing" scoops often send the mainstream media scrambling to catch up.
A more brazen slap at the party came from a coalition of democratic insurgents, who rallied outside Gorky Park in protest of the party's conservative slant.
He also gained more ammunition against critics who say the network has a conservative slant.