Mr. Hyde said the plan echoed traditional conservative themes by holding fathers responsible for their families.
He emphasized fiscally conservative themes, including further tax cuts and greater privatization.
For years before becoming president, Reagan had harped on conservative economic themes.
As Democrats have begun to realize, traditional conservative themes like fiscal discipline, wealth creation and individual freedom are also up for grabs.
It is inherently pessimistic - a return to older, conservative themes of cultural decline, moralism and the need for greater social control.
Still, the Bush campaign has also made clear that it does not believe that repeating the old conservative themes of the early 1980's will be enough.
Freej does not discuss politics, religion, and conservative sexual themes.
In the 1960's and 1970's, judicial restraint was the overriding conservative theme.
Evans has subsequently written many nationally best-selling books, including those for children, with conservative Christian themes and appealing to family values.
The changes that were made tended to emphasize even more strongly the conservative social themes, and the views of the platform committee members seemed monolithic.