M. L. Andreasen, a conservative Adventist theologian, took exception to this statement.
The new council included most of the pro Col n faction from the previous group, and few of the conservative theologians who had so vehemently opposed him.
Conversely, conservative theologians within these traditions, especially Christianity, see fatherhood itself modeled on God the Father.
Since 1800 the alternative interpretation of hell as annihilation seems to have prevailed even among many of the more conservative theologians.
He appointed as university head a conservative theologian who used his first speech to vow that he would never allow coeducation.
Some of Pakistan's most conservative Muslim theologians take a different view.
Known as a conservative theologian, he opposed Aquinas' views on the nature of the soul.
The movement "has a noble side," said Michael Novak, the conservative theologian at the American Enterprise Institute.
Allis was a conservative Christian theologian who believed in the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch.
Zairema was a conservative theologian and a rigorous pacifist.