"I consider her a fighter for what is right and an outstanding scientist," Dr. Ron Levine, the state's Health Director, said in an interview.
Gameplay-wise, Mileena is considered a generally strong fighter, including being widely regarded as the best choice in Mortal Kombat II.
"He's considered a vicious fighter," F'nor advised, his smile gone.
Considered a "glamorous" fighter, P-51s were even used as personal aircraft by several Italian commanders.
He was considered a heavy puncher and a dangerous fighter.
"He's considered a vicious fighter," F'nor said.
Mosley is considered a great fighter.
But I'm not considered a great fighter, because I haven't had the opportunity.
On March 3, 1999, she beat Pamela Clarke, by then considered a top fighter, by a knockout in three rounds at Miami.
Bey, considered a fading fighter, repeatedly nailed Biggs with overhand rights and opened a cut over his left eye that would require 32 stitches to close.