Neither country is considered a high-wage nation.
But because the United States has not signed the Kyoto Protocol, it cannot, even though it is considered a sovereign nation.
Israel is considered a nation under arms with the defense of the State as a common uniting goal of all those who serve.
Fiji today is generally considered a Christian nation, as it is the dominant religion.
China should frankly be considered a developed nation now.
Like Wales and Scotland, Cornwall considers itself a separate Celtic nation - so why shouldn't it have independence?
Although the Kurds consider themselves a nation, they share neither a common language nor a common religion.
The concept of nationhood for Quebec resurfaced in late 2006, when parliament agreed that the Quebecois should be considered a "nation" within a united Canada.
Switzerland is not commonly considered a leading musical nation.
Kalmar nation currently has around 1,700 members and is considered a somewhat 'alternative' nation, being the only nation to regularly provide for vegetarian and vegan diets.