But it has been the success of Circuit City's core business that led the company to consider a venture into used cars.
If anyone does not care to consider such a venture, now is the time to leave.
So many risks and unknown dangers were involved, it was almost absurd to consider such a venture.
The relationship between the companies goes back more than a decade, and at one point they considered a venture in Japan.
Bank of America, based in San Francisco, is considering a similar venture.
Most recently executives at General Motors said they would consider a joint venture or merger, even an outright sale.
The Army is considering a joint venture with private companies to market both products to the general public.
Even a few years ago, "Fire" would have been considered a risky venture in this country, an obscure tale in search of a mainstream audience.
Although American shipbuilding was not considered a highly profitable venture, the political environment seemed right for improvement.
The "old" Kodak would have been unlikely to have considered such a joint venture in the first place.