Even research supported claims of effectiveness are considered false advertising by the FDA.
Official newspapers receive the government's public notices, and since they are considered advertising, it can be a source of revenue for newspapers.
School officials uniformly dismiss the suggestion that they would ever consider advertising from alcohol, tobacco or casino companies.
Dhingana considers advertising as its primary revenue stream.
Advertising space is sold as part of a conference sponsorship, but the agency is considering paid advertising in the near future.
This year, before the Democrats had even selected a presidential candidate, the Bush strategists were considering advertising in movie theaters and health clubs.
In New York State, both label and advertising claims are considered advertising.
A 2011 advertising industry survey found that 21 percent of Internet users consider online advertising to be the most relevant advertising system.
When American competitors were kept out and consumers had few choices, Mexican manufacturers considered advertising to be a nuisance.
The songs were actually commercials for imaginary products, as the band members considered advertising to be the finest form of art.