As a New Orleans city council member in 1867, Dunn was named chairman of a committee to consider alterations to Article 5 of the City Charter.
According to the New York Post, they are considering "significant alterations to their home uniforms in 2010."
Section 255 requires a manufacturer or service provider to consider physical modifications or alterations to the existing design of a product.
Other design institutions are not altering their lineup of events but are considering subtle alterations and shifts of emphasis to shows already in the works.
Perhaps they were considering alterations in the divine order of things.
This exemption does not apply to duties upon employers who still need to consider physical alterations as reasonable adjustments.
Carefully considered alterations made the 1968 Pontiac Firebird 400 perhaps the best compact muscle car of the year.
Following this, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) considered further alterations to this 1930 standard.
Treasury officials said they were considering alterations to the $5 bill and the $10 bill.
Coleman also agreed with many of his teammates when it came to the topic of change, saying the Nets need to consider major alterations in the off season.