This fate might be waived if he is considered a good influence on the other dealers.
When she applied for a job as a cleaning woman at a high school, she was considered a suspect moral influence on the students.
According to this model, media violence is explicitly considered a weak causal influence.
Often, Murray has been considered a bad influence in Camby's life.
So, she is considered an influence on names we all know better and has been the recipient of many awards hailing her works.
The auction results are considered an influence on what many banks pay their depositors.
The results are widely considered an influence over what many banks pay on money market accounts and certificates of deposit.
Ellsworth, Kansas, is also considered a major influence of the trail.
But this measure omits a factor that educators consider a major influence on a child's school performance: the social and economic differences among students' families.
No doubt he was now considered a bad influence; beware of journalists!