Witchcraft was no longer a recognized cause of death since the British authorities considered such beliefs as absurd as they were uncivilized.
Theologian Paul Johnson considers such beliefs a topic of concern for the mental health of clergy.
Some people with what would be considered religious or spiritual beliefs call themselves atheists; others argue that this is a contradiction in terms.
As educators it is important to consider different cultural beliefs and values and evaluate how that applies to your own cultural principles.
One way of considering broad based beliefs about health was to ask, 'Are people more healthy now than in their parents' time?'
Surely having an open enough mind to consider alternative beliefs doesn't have to rock your faith.
The remaining chapters consider core Christian beliefs, New Testament history and how they fit into this perspective.
Moral competence refers to the ability to carefully consider both the consequences and prior beliefs in determining how morally right or wrong one's actions are.
Before looking at the events, one should consider certain beliefs of the Mormons.
So that all may be clear, I consider exclusivist, intolerant, one-way-only beliefs antithetical to true religion.