Janine shared with Tara, neither of them even considered carrying it any further.
Am I seriously being asked to consider carrying one week's worth of groceries "loose in my arms" on my way back from work?
He had no weapon; it was pointless even to consider carrying one across the border.
Consider carrying dry milk powder that you reconstitute yourself with safe water.
If they're still relatively young then it's probably the parents' fault and you should consider carrying on with the gift - though perhaps making it smaller!
But if the woman says she would consider carrying a fetus to term, Stewart generally does not prescribe the pills.
To help you get started, here are 10 of the most common pet travel items to consider carrying along.
Yet one more thing to consider carrying is a lightweight, water resistant windbreaker.
Either way, if you use your vehicle for business, consider carrying a higher liability limit.
Even if you're driving roads with gas stations on them, consider carrying a jerry can or two to get you through to the centre.