It is also incredibly rare for students leaving high school to consider both college and university, most standing firm on one choice as being their 'only option'.
In fact, it is not clear he would even be considering college were it not for it being a way to avoid the draft.
If he does not continue to improve in the next year or two, he said he would consider coaching, or attending college.
After graduation, Sharrett considered college but instead opted to work several odd jobs, telling his family he wasn't ready to continue his education.
Parents and students today often consider college more an investment than a time of academic and personal exploration.
They also said students, already overloaded with tests, may be discouraged from considering college if they score poorly.
But before you consider college, you're going to need to make a decision about your future, yours and the baby's.
The college has been considered 3rd best college in west Bengal after its autonomy.
With their substantial talent and millions of dollars in prize money waiting for them, why would they consider college?
Or who never even consider college.