Smoking was banned at Rikers in 2003; cigarettes are considered contraband.
Certain goods are considered contraband in some systems, and they have to be smuggled past police patrols to their buyers.
Anything that would single him out from other inmates is considered contraband.
Drugs are an easy case, because they are considered contraband around the world.
I also remember a neighbor who went to the country to buy meat and was put in jail for 10 years because it was considered contraband.
Such slave was considered contraband of war.
He quit his prison job after being caught there with Klan literature, which is considered contraband, and he stopped substituting last year.
The blockade was unusually restrictive in that even foodstuffs were considered "contraband of war".
They savor the richness of a product that is typically considered contraband.
Then it occurred to her that the man would surely be considered contraband; she had been thinking of the usual objects.