"It is now considered correct to covet," she breaks in.
However, where technology is concerned, the nature, of things out there, external to man, sets limits to what can be considered normal and correct.
When the sights stay on the target, the estimated speed, range, and change of rate data can be considered correct.
The description and natural position of the genus, however, I still consider correct.
In British English, the last of these is not considered strictly correct.
Various sources list his birth year anywhere from 1742 to 1746, and the latter is most often considered correct.
For instance, May the better man win would be considered correct if there are only two individuals competing.
IT may not be considered politically correct, but come summer, in most circles, men barbecue and women make salad.
Adding 15 percent of the bill is considered correct when people sign bar bills.
Using an emperor's different titles or styles is nevertheless considered correct but not as common.