She briefly appears in the first episode as part of a group considered elite by other students, along with Suzanna and Kiri.
Take Cam Cameron out of the picture and he would be considered elite by the press.
These units are considered elite, and are constantly examined for effectiveness, some being renamed and reorganized, absorbed into other units, or sometimes completely phased out.
Eli will need to be more consistent before he surpasses Peyton (or is even considered elite, in my opinion).
They are considered elite.
The leftist discourse is still largely conducted by a monocultural self-appointed group who consider themselves elite.
The small unit, which is in charge of the bureau's surveillance equipment, from videotapes to undercover bugs, is considered elite.
The school is considered elite among Turkish public high schools.
The people that were considered elite had to show their power and show that they held higher standings than the commoners.
Art, though central to culture, is considered elite, and many people resent it.