They consider excessive growth a grievous mistake for a young enterprise, and almost always fatal.
This is generally considered expedient growth, as the parade was available in no more than a handful of cities only two years ago.
Among others, they considered value, growth and small- and large-cap strategies.
If you're in a start up mode, consider the population shifts, growth and changes before you decide on a product.
And some companies that would be considered creditworthy with 15 percent sales growth are denied loans when the lower projection is used.
We have been long accustomed to consider growth as applied almost exclusively to size in its various aspects.
Hemlocks, for example, can live 600 years, so a 300-year-old stand of trees would be considered old growth.
As a result, they must consider slowing growth in their least-profitable businesses.
That's a far cry from what we need, especially considering future growth in energy demand.
Consider an emerging company with zero or low income in one year and rapid growth the next.