He was still considered incurably insane, but not dangerous to others.
His estate was left to Thomas, the younger son of his second marriage, the elder being considered insane.
Considered insane, he was a fantastically imaginative artist, as will surely be evident in two shows.
Stuart saw and began to play with words because they gave him an interest that others might have considered insane.
At the end of his life he suffered from clinical lycanthropy and was considered insane.
But she might be considered insane in some other states with different legal tests.
He was considered insane and admitted to the mental hospital in Medillín at the age of 31.
But someone who does not understand the nature of his crime is considered legally insane, not retarded.
But 1 had started my own movement, a counter I would have considered insane if I'd had the time to think about it.
On this stupid benchmark, every single military officer who has seriously engaged in war should be considered insane.