In the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11, celebratory dressing by celebrities was considered frivolous and insensitive.
On October 5, 2007, the newspaper published an editorial cartoon that was considered racially insensitive to some students.
Anyone who behaves contrary to this ritual in our culture would be considered insensitive.
Generating a storm of criticism in Israel, the interview was considered insensitive and exploitative.
I'm considered insensitive and confrontational when I insist the player attend my practice - the classroom.
IN response to last week's terrorist attacks, game makers have modified or delayed the release of games with scenes that might now be considered insensitive.
The two sculptures were considered offensive and insensitive to the Azerbaijan standing as a secular Muslim country.
However, these sets were considered insensitive and inappropriate for young children, and were never released.
If someone has lost a close relative in the past year, it is considered insensitive to send a joyful card, or any card at all.
Engel's stereotypical descriptions of "black boys" would be considered insensitive by many Americans.