But if you are using, say, a 15-inch monitor, you might want consider lowering the resolution just a bit to make everything bigger.
Will the Minister consider lowering the threshold to encourage the increased use of social clauses in contracts?
Would she consider lowering the $1-a-day fee she is charging?
Initially they considered lowering parts of the elevated freeway to ground level, but the cost was prohibitive.
He also indicated that the Fed would consider lowering rates if the plan were to drag down economic growth.
We cannot allow them to consider lowering their shields now.
Consider lowering your prices to attract consumers from rival businesses.
I think you should consider lowering your expectations and focus on business fundamentals, like not being kind of crazy.
"At some point, if this were to become protracted, I would consider lowering the price to attract a buyer," he said.
In prescribing such drugs, the academy said doctors should consider lowering the amount according to the age of the patient and the body makeup.