Conrad considered his ax and the helpless witch on the ground, but the cat looked at him and her expression was clear: Don't even think it.
He was considering her arrest, on the ground of obstructing justice.
Vang Ky considered it for a while, eyes on the ground, teeth sucking the air.
"They got the man to say what they wanted him to say, but they didn't consider the implications on the ground."
I'd like to try for the airport, but we would have to consider the people on the ground.
A wingman, Whitfield was considered a live wire, both on the ground and off, who appeared "to march to a different drum."
It is considered one of the world's most secure airlines, thanks to its stringent security procedures, both on the ground and on board its aircraft.
As he considered the signs on the ground, he forgot about his headache.
Mr. Atwood said that in designing the capsule no one had considered the possibility of a fire on the ground.
The resultant damage was considered satisfactory by Royal Navy observers on the ground.