The current ratio of sergeants to patrol officers is about 1 to 8, which is considered optimal.
The endowment stands at about $45 million, less than a third of what is considered optimal for a company with its annual budget, $54 million.
Following the letter, but not the spirit of the law, fish are caught, and if not considered optimal, thrown back into the ocean.
They were properly stair-stepped, three years between them, a separation considered optimal for more than a century now.
Of these, no one style is considered optimal for all leaders to use all the time.
An ethanol content of 31.5-32% is considered optimal for Limoncello.
Oh Hell can be played with almost any number of players (3+) although 4-7 is considered optimal.
Mohiam was of a type considered optimal for a certain mysterious genetic program.
Neither of these choices were considered optimal for an aspiring developer, according to Carmel.
Four embryos are considered optimal in such procedures because, statistically, it is likely that only one will take hold and develop into a fetus.