Today, the use of the phrase is considered outdated and offensive.
In 1979 the title was considered outdated and changed to Northman.
It was a popular shopping destination for several decades, but by the 1950s the small shops and offices were considered outdated.
Despite the improvements over the 841, by the end of the year the chassis, whose concept dated back to 1983, was considered outdated.
The critics also say that much of what is advanced depends on sources considered poor or outdated.
However, this method is considered outdated and inaccessible to some.
The definition, which had remained unchanged since 1927, was considered outdated and narrow.
The previous flag, adopted in 1914, was considered outdated.
Some academics believe that the term Indian should be considered outdated or offensive.
And while 386-based PC's were popular in 1991, today they are considered outdated.