He added that the Gorbachev speech permits Congress to consider spending reductions in the years beyond 1989.
Meanwhile, West German officials said they were considering reductions in their nation's taxes.
For instance, nearly five years behind some of its northern neighbors, Italy is now considering mandatory reductions in automobile emissions.
Instead, they decided to freeze production at 1991 levels in 1995 and to consider further reductions then in light of further scientific evidence.
Instead, he said he would consider reductions based on recommendations by the Pentagon's military commanders.
The Brooklyn Museum, which sustained a cut of $2,046,134 from its $6.3 million city budget, is considering various reductions in services.
Delta and Northwest airlines said they were still considering similar reductions.
But the United States has resisted making such deep cuts, saying it would consider reductions to a level of 2,000 to 2,500 warheads.
Still, others wondered if the university could have considered other reductions.
Washington is considering additional reductions in the loan guarantees based on the route Israel takes with the barrier.