The foreign-educated lawyers at the meeting called for the convening of a Great Council to consider revisions to the constitution.
Campbell continues to tinker with his line combinations and said he was considering further revisions.
McKeon said the association was considering revisions in its stakes schedule.
The book was released as several states, particularly Texas and Florida, considered revisions in state science standards.
The council is now looking at 5 to 10 alternative sites, Mr. Ludwig said, and will also consider revisions in the rejected plans.
Mr. Koizumi wants to consider revisions to the Constitution in 2005, a position supported by about 60 percent of the public.
The European Community Executive Commission today was scheduled to consider revisions in its proposal.
Furthermore, we will not consider additions or revisions to applications once they are received by FNS.
But agency officials say that the rules are not final, and that they would consider revisions in light of the criticism.
Dr. Green is also considering revisions in the policy governing student promotions.