Taoiseach Seán Lemass considered reviving the Order during the 1960s, but did not take a decision.
The committee recommended that the Government seriously consider reviving the 50-year-old Congressional plan for giving the Missouri River more space.
When another had to have the same procedure, she asked the neurosurgeon if he would consider not reviving the baby if he went into cardiac arrest.
American and European companies are considering investing or reviving dormant links, and some that weathered the storm have expansion plans.
Perhaps we should consider reviving the luxury excise tax and tax bottled water.
At the story's end the Avengers consider reviving Barton by placing his brain patterns in the body of the android Vision.
He asked me to consider reviving it.
The Administration should also consider reviving its efforts to encourage political opposition within Iraq.
After this, it disappeared from the professional repertory, although Gilbert considered reviving it in 1909.
Film Threat considered reviving the magazine through its website in 1998; nothing came of it.