I decided that the stylistic tattoo on his face could be considered suggestive of a narwhal's horn.
Several versions have since been recorded, and it has been banned from radio airplay because the lyrics are considered suggestive of homosexuality.
When occurring in conjunction with other signs and symptoms (see below), however, they are considered suggestive.
The Grumman F7F was originally named the "Tomcat" but this name was rejected as it was considered too suggestive, at the time.
The name was considered too suggestive by some churches, however, so the organization was renamed in late summer of 2006.
The fact that many of Wolverine's civilians and second-line troops were unaccounted for after its annihilation is considered suggestive.
These reports were accompanied by evidence that the authors themselves considered suggestive for the existence of Ivory-billed Woodpeckers.
But its silences may be considered suggestive of dissent: there is no mention of confession, pilgrimage, or the veneration of the saints.
The song's nostalgic lyrics about a former love were considered too suggestive at the time to be played on many radio stations.
Nakedness by itself was not considered especially suggestive.