These were considered not susceptible to scientific inquiry, not measurable.
The new study will concentrate on the young because they are considered particularly susceptible to radiation-induced thyroid disease.
Like judiciaries across the former Soviet Union, though, the court has been considered susceptible to government influence and pressure.
Researchers, using a rigorous definition of the disorder, say they have found that it is rare, even among college women, the group considered most susceptible.
He was in his 80's, in an age group considered more susceptible to the virus.
He noted that at the time, women were generally considered less intelligent and more susceptible to sin than men.
Patents with scant prior art are considered more susceptible to lawsuits.
All boid snakes should be considered susceptible to the disease.
Even so, all age groups are considered susceptible.
Lord was particularly concerned with the effects of sound film on children, whom he considered especially susceptible to their allure.