A worry, he said, is that he does not speak French - something considered tantamount to sin in Geneva circles.
They are powerful symbols, almost icons in romanticizing the struggle to end British rule, and their turnover is considered tantamount to surrender.
The primary race is considered tantamount to election in this overwhelmingly Democratic borough.
Castration is considered tantamount to execution in some instances.
He remarked that the tango should be restricted to married couples, or at least considered tantamount to an engagement.
There was also a prevailing concept of fairness, in which practicing or training was considered tantamount to cheating.
Among many players, camping is considered tantamount to cheating, especially in deathmatch-type games.
In the heavily Democratic district the primary victory was considered tantamount to election.
Still, Democrats far outnumber Republicans and winning the primary is considered tantamount to election.
Victory in the Democratic primary is considered tantamount to election.