My family would say it's addictive," he said, "but I consider it great therapy.
Frequently stressed individuals should consider therapy, or joining a support group.
Few would disagree, but Bell - who had been schooled by her mother to distrust psychiatrists - refused to consider therapy.
This usually means seeing a mental health professional and considering antidepressant medication, therapy, or both.
Should I also consider behavioral therapy in addition to medication?
When people are not benefiting from medication, the guidelines call for doctors to consider surgical therapy as an option.
Experts interviewed said the Oxford study was particularly likely to lead more women and their doctors to consider hormonal therapy.
While parents would do well to discipline a child as soon as misconduct occurs, there is no need to immediately consider therapy.
I venture to ask whether Hirst has considered therapy.
Exodus International considers reparative therapy to be a useful tool, but not a necessary one.