Though it was not going well and now they are bounty hunters, which are considered even less trustworthy then the criminals they track.
Harper's personal numbers continued to rise and polls found he was considered not only more trustworthy, but also a better potential Prime Minister than Paul Martin.
Once, large firms enjoyed virtual immunity from lawsuits because, oddly enough, they were considered too trustworthy or too trivial to sue.
His glance took in Spock and a few men and women whom he apparently considered more trustworthy than the others.
Willamar tactfully added that the zelandonia as a whole were highly respected and considered trustworthy and beneficial.
And women, who never learned how to shuffle payoffs, "are considered more trustworthy in that sense," Ms. Iwao said.
This demo was given to several friends that Sköld considered trustworthy, but his songs appeared on the internet from one of them.
I had sent some of the servants I considered most trustworthy to scour the neighborhood in other directions, and these were back before me.
The articles, often very brief, were considered excellent and trustworthy, especially on German subjects, gave references to the best books, and included biographies of living men.
The game begins once Great Big Little Panther, the only person that both sides consider fair and trustworthy, agrees to serve as the umpire.