This fostered political sympathy; for example, political leaders in the city called for the repeal of laws that might be considered unfriendly to South.
However, the song received very little airplay, due to the lyrics being considered unfriendly for radio stations.
Three reporters considered unfriendly to the Government were then dismissed, and the paper's aggressive coverage stopped.
Includes updates on political candidates who are considered friendly or unfriendly to the group's cause.
He is favored by labor and considered unfriendly by business.
Even in a field like physics, long considered relatively unfriendly to women, there has been progress.
Yet, as a freedom-loving citizenry, few of us would want to empower bureaucrats to outlaw any vehicle they considered unfriendly to the environment.
Russia and the former Soviet republics may be wary of selling many weapons to a country they formerly considered unfriendly.
Soon that definition expanded to include people considered unfriendly to the Sandinistas.
"The Turks take alliances seriously and have long memories about behavior they consider unfriendly," a Western official said.